Definition of Linguistic interpreting? What is the principle role of a Public/Community Interpreter?
Face to Face interpretation is the main method by which humans facilitate verbal communication. Please take time to look at these videos- or the website for an explanation of what an interpreter does and why? A professional interpreter should be well versed in the area of his speciality, and be well versed in both source and target language, the main aim of an interpreter is to interpret everything that is being said, and to remain fully impartial, and respect patient’s confidentiality. Impartiality- Bezstroność- implies having no favour towards your client, with personal involvement, advice or comment. Confidentiality- Poufność- is considered an obligation from the interpreter, stating that the information disclosed during a meeting, is not disclosed to anyone, without a client’s permission. Breach of confidentiality may only occur if lives are in danger, or at the request of the police.
There are many other aspects that an interpreter, must adhere to which can be found in many an excellent article regarding Codes of Professional Conduct and Ethics:
Also may i refer you to the following You Tube videos which give an idea what Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting is all about:
CI =
SI =